Rust Metaprogramming - Part 1

✏️ Updated: 2024-01-08

📌 Published: 2024-01-08


This article covers type metaprogramming principles in Rust via examples based on litesim.

It will go over type transformations that are necessary in order to provide end-users with a type safe interface while reducing the amount of library internals they're exposed to.

This is generally done with macros, and when people in Rust community say metaprogramming they usually refer to writing procedural macros. But that isn't ideal in some scenarios and allows end-users to violate API requirements which can in turn cause undefined behavior.

For reference, I've only managed to find the posts that describe metaprogramming via macros in context of Rust:

Another approach I came across, in article "Type-directed metaprogramming in Rust" by Will Crichton, is using rustc API (rust compiler) directly in order to achieve similar goals as this post tries to accomplish, but internal rustc API is unstable which makes this approach both harder to implement and time consuming to maintain across versions.

  • I find it to be a great introduction to rust internals, HIR and AST representations.
  • It makes sense to use it if one is developing something along the lines of c2rust.

In general, metaprogramming (the kind I'm referring to) causes your codebase to grow in both size and complexity (for both C++ and Rust), but in turn yields nicer to use API interfaces that are much stricter, safer and concise to use. Conversely, macros can be even more verbose, are somewhat easier to write, but (in general) don't impose any additional bounds on the data that can be passed into your API.

The following section summarizes the goals of litesim and why macros aren't ideal for its use case.


Litesim erases almost all library internals and leaves the end-user with a clean slate when they're modelling a system. It's based on DEVS so the whole simulation is built out of composable models (though it deviates a lot from the fromalism). The only structs the user generally needs to interact with are SystemModel, Simulation and ModelCtx.

A simple ping-pong example would look like the following:

use litesim::prelude::*;

pub struct Player;

impl<'s> Model<'s> for Player {
    fn receive(&mut self, ctx: ModelCtx<'s>) -> Result<(), SimulationError> {

    fn send(&self) -> Result<(), SimulationError>;

    fn handle_update(&mut self, ctx: ModelCtx<'s>) -> Result<(), SimulationError> {
            "Player {} got the ball at {}",

fn main() {

    let mut system = SystemModel::new();

    system.push_model("p1", Player);
    system.push_model("p2", Player);

    system.push_route(connection!(p1::send), connection!(p2::receive));
    system.push_route(connection!(p2::send), connection!(p1::receive));

    let mut sim = Simulation::new(rand::thread_rng(), system, 0.0).expect("invalid model");

    sim.schedule_event(0.5, Signal(), connection!(p1::receive))
        .expect("unable to schedule initial event");

    sim.run_until(50.0).expect("simulation error");

Most of the heavy lifting is done by the #[litesim_model] proc macro. This macro does a lot of code transformation in the background in order to make the impl block look as simple as it does.

In minimal form, implementing Model<'s> with it looks like:

impl<'s> Model<'s> for MyModel {}

The generated code is type safe, but if the user implements the Model<'s> trait without the macro, they're allowed to send arbitrary data into outputs which is not ideal. The macro ensures correctness by filling in specified output parameter types manually into invoked function signature, but bad inputs really only fail because argument and specified generic types don't match, not because the function doesn't exist or some bounds weren't satisfied.

That's bad because the library assumes the provided type will be the same as the one specified on the connecting input connector of another model. The other model (generally) can't tell the address doesn't hold a valid type which can then cause undefined behavior. Even assuming the layout of both types is identical, it's still a semantic error and likely violates the API of the receiving model.

There is no sane way to support this use case without resorting to type metaprogramming. Macros can't handle the use case where Model<'s> might change interface and lookup table(s) based on types litesim isn't aware of. So in order to tackle this, I'd like to replace Model<'s> with something like:
trait Model<'s, I, O> {
  // details...

What Lists Are Made Of

We're trying to specify different model inputs and outputs as a list of types. Rust doesn't have variable argument generics (yet), but it does have primitive that can convey similar information - tuples. The same is generally used by C++ metaprogramming libraries such as hana.

Tuple is a runtime type though, and the language doesn't have support for operations we expect a list to support, and specifically doesn't support them for types. Traits however allow us to add such information and rustc can deal with it properly.

In order to have a useful type list, we need a way to destructure the list into a head element and tail (remaining elements).

Type lists in C++ metaprogramming are built on the same principles, though they are nicer to work with because of vararg generic support.

Type List Type

We start by defining a trait we can use to specify some arbitrary type list. Due to lack of vararg generics there will be an upper bound to our list but thanks to macros we can make it arbitrarily large. Realistically, we don't expect models with more than 64 inputs and outputs.

We declare our list trait with some basic properties:
pub trait TypeList {
    type Head;
    type Tail: TypeList;

Now we can start implementing it for tuples we want to support:
impl TypeList for () {
    type Head = !;
    type Tail = ();
// Uhm...

We can't use never type ! (again/yet) so we'll resort to using unit () instead. Using ! would've provided us with much cleaner error messages and automagically handled bounds checking we'll have to deal with at a later point. No matter, we will do without it.
pub trait TypeList {
    type Head;
    type Tail: TypeList;

impl TypeList for () {
    type Head = ();
    type Tail = ();

impl<A> TypeList for (A,) {
    type Head = A;
    type Tail = ();

impl<A, B> TypeList for (A, B) {
    type Head = A;
    type Tail = (B,);

impl<A, B, C> TypeList for (A, B, C) {
    type Head = A;
    type Tail = (B, C);
// 61 more...

Now that we've written out the first four cases, we can politely ask our friendly neighborhood LLM to convert it into a macro for us:
macro_rules! impl_type_list {
    () => {
        impl TypeList for () {
            type Head = ();
            type Tail = ();
    ($A:ident) => {
        impl<$A> TypeList for ($A,) {
            type Head = $A;
            type Tail = ();
    ($A:ident, $($B:ident),*) => {
        impl<$A, $($B),*> TypeList for ($A, $($B),*) {
            type Head = $A;
            type Tail = ($($B,)*);

And apply some macro magic I picked up from piccolo 🪄:
macro_rules! smaller_tuples_too {
    ($m: ident, $ty: ident) => {
    ($m: ident, $ty: ident, $($tt: ident),*) => {
        smaller_tuples_too!{$m, $($tt),*}
        $m!{$ty, $($tt),*}

// short for calling smaller_tuples_too with 64 arguments
macro_rules! all_supported_tuples {
    ($m: ident) => {
            A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J,
            K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T,
            U, V, W, X, Y, Z, AA, AB, AC, AD,
            AE, AF, AG, AH, AI, AJ, AK, AL, AM, AN,
            AO, AP, AQ, AR, AS, AT, AU, AV, AW, AX,
            AY, AZ, BA, BB, BC, BD, BE, BF, BG, BH,
            BI, BJ, BK, BL

Combining the two macros allows us to generate 64 implementations of the trait with a single macro call:

And just like that we've built a forward type iterator. You can give it a try in the playground (gist).

You'll notice that it's quite a pickle to access n-th element as we have to reaffirm the type of Tail for each level.

We have to reaffirm the Tail event though we have specified that Tail: TypeList, because the compiler can't just assume the next Tail is being accessed from TypeList vtable because the result Tail might implement some other trait that also has a Tail associated type. Tail might be a bad example because it's unique in our context, but consider the following:

trait MyTrait {
    type Error;
impl MyTrait for u32 {
    type Error = std::io::Error;

type Ambiguous = u32::Error; // Which Error?
type Explicit = <u32 as TryFrom<i32>>::Error; // TryFromIntError

We'll deal with this issue in a later post, I just wanted to acknowledge it at this point. The operations we'll deal with in this post don't require indexing.

Function Traits

In order to map types, we have to figure out how to transfer the concept of a function into type space.

When it comes to compiled languages, there's typically a clear hierarchy defining different types of data the compiler works with:

  • Kind
  • Type
  • Constant value
  • Runtime value

We won't conscern ourself with kinds and I listed them mostly for completeness - AFAICT Rust doesn't have a concept of kinds (like haskell does).

Conversion is (generally) only possible in the order the items are listed. In many cases the compiler handles conversion automatically (e.g. allowing us to call a const function with runtime arguments).

So in order for our types to stay in the type space, all conversion has to happen inside it and we can't use constant functions for instance. That's because constant functions deal with values and we want to manipulate types.

Rust allows us to handle type projection via type aliases much as C++ does. In Rust however, we rely on traits instead of classes for the same functionality:

trait TypeSpaceFunction<T> {
    type Value = (Transformed, T);

One notable difference is that in Rust, we can associate trait implementations with some other data which simplifies how we handle conditionals:

trait SplitFunction {
    type Value;
impl<T> SplitFunction for MyType<T> {
    type Value = T;
impl<T> SplitFunction for [T; N] {
    type Value = T;

In C++ template metaprogramming, we'd rely on using ifs in constant expressions to achieve similar results because C++ allows evaluating types in constant expressions. Rust is more strict so the type system is separate.

Type Mapping

In order to transform our list of inputs (A, B, C) into a return type we're expecting from our function:

type Result = (
    (&'static str, &'static dyn Handler<Self, A>),
    (&'static str, &'static dyn Handler<Self, B>),
    (&'static str, &'static dyn Handler<Self, C>),

we need a way to perform a mapping operation on types.

Mapping is a composition of iteration which we have already built, application of some projection and collection in the same container we iterated over. So in order to perform projection we need to figure out how to express it efficiently. Ideally in a way we can re(ab)use multiple times.

Apply Operator

We start with a trait - our version of "call this thing":
trait Apply {
    type Value;

and declare our "method":
struct ToInputConnector<Model> {
    _phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<Model>,

We're using Phantom in ToInputConnector because rust will require us to restrict 's while we're trying to implement Apply in the signature. ToInputConnector also contains any types that stay constant throughout the mapping operation. The ToInputConnector type will never be constructed or used at runtime, as it's effectively used just as an implementation discriminant, so we don't need to worry about providing any constructors.

Then we can specify how the method is applied, i.e. the body of the method:
impl<M, T> Apply for (ToInputConnector<M>, T)
    M: 'static,
    T: 'static,
    type Value = (&'static str, &'static dyn Handler<M, T>);

You'll notice we're implementing the method for a tuple of method and arguments (in this case a single one), that's because we have no other way of passing compile time information into Apply:

  • If we tried storing T as a generic on Apply, we wouldn't be able to invoke it for different types.
  • Conversly, if we tried storing it on ToInputConnector, then our mapping wouldn't be agnostic with respect to method it's applying.

So, in general, variable types are stored in the tuple we're calling Apply on and non-variable types (such as M in the example case) should go into the signature struct (ToInputConnector).

Note that multiple variable arguments will change how you implement TypeMapping in the following section.


Now that we're done with application part of our mapping, we need a collector that would allow us to create a tuple from a list of mapped input types.

Sadly, this is a place we have to declare multiple implementations again for each tuple size. As always, macros come to the rescue:
pub trait TypeMapping<Method> {
    type Value;

macro_rules! impl_mapping {
    () => {
        impl<Method> TypeMapping<Method> for ()
            type Value = ();
    ($($A: ident),+) => {
        impl<Method, $($A),+> TypeMapping<Method> for ($($A,)+)
            $((Method, $A): Apply),+
            type Value = (
                $(<(Method, $A) as Apply>::Value,)+


TypeMapping implementations here will change somewhat if your use case calls for multiple variable types or lifetimes. They should be part of the tuple the TypeMapping is implemented for.

You can see a simplified version without the constant M type (for model) on the playground(gist).

While writing this article, I also noticed that mapping with lifetimes doesn't seem to work, so I removed the system lifetime from ToInputConnector signature. Compiler seems to fail at normalizing associated types on a trait that is implemented for struct with a lifetime (minimal reproduction; rustc issue).

For future reference (once the issue get fixed), lifetimes go on the discriminant struct if they don't change through the mapping or are paired with types in tuples the TypeMapping is implemented for if they do.


Our new Model trait and implementation for Player looks as following:
struct ToInputConnector<Model> {
    _phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<Model>,
impl<M, T> Apply for (ToInputConnector<M>, T)
    M: 'static,
    T: 'static,
    type Value = (&'static str, &'static dyn Handler<M, T>);
struct ToOutputConnector;
impl<T> Apply for (ToOutputConnector, T)
    T: 'static,
    type Value = &'static str;

trait Model<'s, I: TypeList, O: TypeList>: Sized {
    fn input_connectors(&self) -> <I as TypeMapping<ToInputConnector<Self>>>::Value
        I: TypeMapping<ToInputConnector<Self>>;

    fn output_connectors(&self) -> <O as TypeMapping<ToOutputConnector>>::Value
        O: TypeMapping<ToOutputConnector>;

    // other functions...

struct Ball;
struct Player;

impl<'s> Model<'s, (Ball,), (Ball,)> for Player {
    fn input_connectors(&self) -> <(Ball,) as TypeMapping<ToInputConnector<Self>>>::Value
        (Ball,): TypeMapping<ToInputConnector<Self>>,
        (("recieve", handle_ball),)
    fn output_connectors(&self) -> <(Ball,) as TypeMapping<ToOutputConnector>>::Value
        (Ball,): TypeMapping<ToOutputConnector>,

fn handle_ball(_model: &mut Player, _event: Ball) -> Result<(), String> {

With that, connectors are done. I want to point out that the implementation above (somewhat) successfully replaces a whole bunch of complicated code that was previously generated by #[litesim_model]:
impl<'s> Model<'s> for Player {
    fn input_connectors(&self) -> Vec<&'static str> {
    fn get_input_handler<'h>(&self, index: usize) -> Option<Box<dyn ErasedHandler<'h, 's>>>
        's: 'h,
        match index {
            0usize => {
                let handler: Box<&dyn Handler<&mut Player, Event<()>) -> Result<(), SimulationError>> = Box::new(
                    &(|_: &mut Player, _: Event<()>| {
                        // details...
                return Some(handler);
            _ => return None,
    fn output_connectors(&self) -> Vec<OutputConnectorInfo> {
    // other functions...


  • We got rid of type erasure for Handler.
    • Now the Model will have to be type-erased in order for us to store it in a Vec. That's however much safer and we can now hide a whole bunch of implementation details from end-users (e.g. ErasedHandler, OutputConnectorInfo).
  • Type signature dictates the number of connector labels and handlers, which prevents invalid use.
    • Previously, the library would internally panic with somewhat obscure stack traces which made it hard for end-users to realize they're violating API requirements.
  • Accessing a handler function and connector names is now (at least on this level) a O(1) operation instead of O(n).
    • As the compiler knows where are handlers are, it can go crazy with optimizations.
    • O(n) doesn't capture the fact that we could've had a lot of jumps on our hot path.

In the process, we've also lost the ability to change the number of inputs and outputs at runtime, but that part of functionality required a rework anyway as it wasn't completely sound. I was forced to use Vec with dynamic type checking without code introduced in this article. The original plan was defining a separate DynamicModel trait so that litesim can avoid runtime type checking for models with static interfaces.

We'll deal with the consumption of generated type signatures in a later post, as well as going over how we can write a getter for our type lists and bridge indices from runtime to compile time.
